FORMAT FOR ANTARCTICA DAILY SURFACE TAB3 DATA : --------------------------------------------- COL. NO. EXPLANATION 1 - 5 Five digits number to identify the station 6 - 7 Year in two digits (last two digits) 8 - 9 Month (01 - January,...,12 - December) 10 - 11 Date 12 - 13 Time (in UTC) whole hour 14 Height of the lowest cloud (above ground) 15 - 16 Visibility (in Codes 90 to 99) 17 Total cloud amount (in okta) 18 - 19 Wind Direction in 16 points of compass (code) 20 - 22 Wind Speed in Knots 23 - 26 Dry Bulb Temperature (in 0.1 degree C) 27 - 30 Wet Bulb Temperature (in 0.1 degree C) 31 - 34 Dew Point Temperature (in 0.1 degree C) 35 - 37 Relative Humidity in % 38 - 41 Maximum Temperature (in 0.1 degree C) 42 - 45 Minimum Temperature (in 0.1 degree C) 46 - 50 Station Level Pressure (in 0.1 hpa) 51 - 55 Mean Sea Level Pressure (in 0.1 hPa) 56 Character of Pressure Tendency 57 - 59 Amount of Pressure Tendency (in 0.1 hPa) 60 - 61 Present Weather (in code) 62 Past Weather one (in code) 63 Past Weather two (in code) 64 Amount of Lowest cloud (in oktas) 65 Form of Low cloud (in code) 66 Amount of Low cloud (in oktas) 67 Direction of low cloud in 8 points of compass (in code) 68 Form of Medium cloud (in code) 69 Amount of Medium cloud (in oktas) 70 Direction of Medium cloud in 8 points of compass (in code) 71 Form of High cloud (in code) 72 Amount of High cloud (in oktas) 73 Direction of High cloud in 8 points of compass (in code) 74 Amount of significant cloud (in oktas) 75 Type of significant cloud (in code) 76 - 77 Height of significant cloud (in code) 78 - 79 Millenium 80 Indicator '2' for synoptic hour data 81 -125 Remarks Note: i) 16 points of Compass Code : Code Direction Code Direction Code Direction Code Direction 00 Calm 02 NNE 05 NE 07 ENE 09 E 11 ESE 14 SE 16 SSE 18 S 20 SSW 23 SW 25 WSW 27 W 29 WNW 32 NW 34 NNW 36 N 99 Variable ii) 8 points of Compass Code : Code Direction Code Direction 0 stationary or no cloud 1 NE 2 EAST 3 SE 4 SOUTH 5 SW 6 WEST 7 NW 8 NORTH 9 No definite direction or Unknown iii) Visibility Code : Code Day light observations Night observations 90 Objects not visible at 50 meters 100 meters 91 Objects visible at 50 meters but 330 meters not at 200 meters 92 Objects visible at 200 meters but 740 meters not at 500 meters 93 Objects visible at 500 meters but 1340 meters not at 1000 meters 94 Objects visible at 1000 meters but 2330 meters not at 2000 meters 95 Objects visible at 2000 meters but 4000 meters not at 4000 meters 96 Objects visible at 4000 meters but 7500 meters not at 10000 meters 97 Objects visible at 10000 meters but 12000 meters not at 20000 meters 98 Objects visible at 20000 meters but not at 50000 meters 99 Objects visible at 50000 meters or more iv) Form of low cloud (in code) Code description 0 No Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus or Cumulonimbus clouds 1 Cumulus cloud with little vertical extent 2 Cumulus cloud with moderate or strong vertical extent 3 Cumulonimbus not in the form of anvil 4 Stratocumulus formed by spreading out of Cumulus 5 Stratocumulus not formed by spreading out of Cumulus 6 Stratus in a more or less continuous sheet or layer 7 Stratus of bad weather 8 Cumulus and stratocumulus other than that formed from spreading of Cumulus 9 Cumulonimbus often in the form of anvil / low cloud(s) invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust etc. v) Form of medium cloud (in code) Code description 0 No altocumulus, Altostratus, or Nimbostratus clouds 1 Altostratus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent 2 Altostratus, the greater part of which is sufficiently dense 3 Altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent 4 Patches of Altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent 5 Semi-transparent Altocumulus in bands progressively invading the sky 6 Altocumulus resulting from the spreading out of Cumulus 7 Altocumulus in two or more layers usually opaque in places 8 Altocumulus sprouting in the form of small towers 9 Altocumulus of a chaotic sky, generally at several levels / Medium cloud(s) invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust etc. vi) Form of high cloud (in code) Code description 0 No Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, or Cirrostratus clouds 1 Cirrus in the form of hooks progressively invading the sky 2 Dense Cirrus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts 3 Dense Cirrus often in the form of an anvil 4 Cirrus in the form of hooks progressively invading the sky becoming dense 5 Cirrus often in bands converging towards horizon but the continuous veil does not reach 45 degree above the horizon 6 Cirrus often in bands converging towards horizon but the continuous veil extends more than 45 degree above the horizon 7 Veil of Cirrostratus covering the celestial dome 8 Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not covering the celestial dome completely 9 Cirrocumulus/Cirrostratus/Cirrus but Cirrocumulus is predominant / High cloud(s) invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust etc.